HTA-CA Officer Responsibilities and Time Commitments


5.0       The President shall:

            5.0.1    Be the Executive Officer of the Corporation
            5.0.2    Preside at all meetings of the Corporation and the Board
            5.0.3    Appoint, with the approval of the Board, all special committee chairmen               
            5.0.4    Have the power to sign all written obligations of the Corporation as approved by the Board.
            5.0.5    Be empowered to act for the Corporation
            5.0.6    Serve on the Board of Directors.

The president shall have access to the bank to purchase supplies for meetings and organization events with the approval of the other board members.

The President will accept duties assigned by the Conference Chairperson and assist in the presentation of the annual HTA-CA conference (held in the state of CA, open internationally)

Time Commitment: 4 hours per week, depending on your ability to delegate. Time increases with conference and special events.  2+ board meetings required per year, 1-2 hours each.


5.1       The Vice-President shall:

            5.1.1    Preside in the absence of the President. (Make announcements at monthly meetings in the absence of the president.
            5.1.2    Discharge presidential duties in the absence of the President
            5.1.3    Serve on the Board of Directors.

The Vice – president shall have some access to the bank to purchase supplies for meetings and organization events with the approval of the other board members.

VP will maintain and hold supplies needed for conferences and monthly meetings: Banners, AV equipment, and will personally or by proxy make it available for use.

VP will accept duties assigned by the Conference Chairperson and assist in the presentation of the annual HTA-CA conference (held in the state of CA, available internationally)

Time Commitment: Depends on tasks delegated to this office. 2+ board meetings per year, 2 hours each, and time spent assisting with conference and special events.


The Secretary shall:

            5.2.1    Prepare a record of the proceedings of all Board and Annual Business meetings.
            5.2.2    Determine if a quorum is present at Board and Annual Business meetings.
            5.2.3    Serve on the Board of Directors.

The Secretary: Time Requirements: 6 hours per month, increased time near conference.

  1. Shall accept duties assigned by the Conference Chairperson and assist in the presentation of the annual HTA-CA conference.
  2. Shall take minutes at the meetings, or transcribe minutes from another member if not available to attend the meeting or will assign a proxy
  3. Provide CEU certificates for all courses and monthly meetings offered by HTA-CA as an accredited organization.


The Treasurer shall:

            5.3.1    Be responsible for the conduct of the financial affairs of the Corporation.
            5.3.2    Have all the Corporation’s finances reviewed each year by an outside auditor or tax accountant and file appropriate state and federal tax documents as appropriate.
            5.3.3    Serve as an ex-officio member of any special committee or task force concerned with the Corporation’s finances.
            5.3.4    The Treasurer shall assure that the Board-approved Annual Budget reflects at least a balance of revenues and expenses in Corporation operations.

The Treasurer shall:

  1. Ensure we are maintaining our “nonprofit” tax status by recommending expenditures or keeping informed on the tax law.
  2. Shall be elected and assume office one year prior to the preceding Treasurer end of term of office.
  3. The Treasurer should announce intention to vacate the office at least one year prior to the end of the elected term.
  4. Must have 3 years membership with HTACA in good standing and live in California.

Time Commitment: 2-8 hours per month, increases during Conference time.



Education committee Chair: 

  1. Shall organize all monthly educational meetings to provide CEU credits for continuing education.
  2. Shall enlist speakers for the monthly meetings, collect their photos, bios, course objectives and questions for quizzes administered post seminar.
  3. Accept RSVPs via e-mail for meetings and send list to the membership chair, venue host and secretary.
  4. Assists with making and keeping recordings of virtual seminars and allowing qualified members to view the recordings.
  5. Creates Quizzes to be answered if seminars are viewed as a post recording.
  6. Attend the monthly meetings or delegate a representative. As of 2020 ALL monthly meetings will be VIRTUAL, using ZOOM webinar. The program handles payment and registrations. Members are allowed to register and attend free of additional charge.
  7. Assist with planning the HTW meeting including finding speakers and venues as needed. Assist with annual conference as needed.
  8. Welcomes volunteers to help with monthly educational meetings.

Time requirements: 3-6 hrs./month – with the advent of ZOOM webinar and virtual programming the time commitment has decreased dramatically on this position!  

Term: none but helpful to give notice a year in advance and assist incoming chairperson for approx. 6 months.  Other board and committee members and membership are welcome to suggest speakers and topics. 

Web Site Committee Chair:

  1. Shall maintain the email communications with all members regarding: job postings, elections, nominations for office and committees.
  2. Shall provide tech support/website support and helping the board members with admin duties. 
  3. Shall interface with web designers and members wishing to access information on the website such as paid job postings.
  4. Shall send out Mail Chimp email notifications to inform members of meetings, conferences, jobs, nominations for open office positions.

Time requirements: 2-4 hours per month.

About 30 min/week responding to and sorting emails and communication with board members and IT assistance.

 30 minutes-1 hour – every few weeks allotted to create job postings and emails to members.

Term limits:  Open to volunteer assistance, or person interested in chair.

Membership Committee Chair: 

  1. Shall keep a current list of all members in good standing
  2. Shall keep track of membership dues and report these to the Treasurer

Time requirement: 1-2 hours a month to track attendance at monthly meetings.

Several hours are spent along with other officers and chairs during the annual conference.

Conference Chair:

 The Conference Chair: Delegates these tasks to the other officers and committee chairs. The Chair oversees ALL aspects of the conference. Any Board Member or Committee chair can be selected to be Conference Chair, or Co-Chair.

 Examples of tasks that can be delegated to board members and conference committee members:

  • Choose the conference theme
  • Design the brochure
  • Invite speakers/ send them their contracts decide on payment Air, hotel, and stipend. Collect handouts and bios from all speakers
  • Approve and design ads sent/ designed / approved by the board
  • Schedule regular meeting to delegate tasks to board, chairs, and volunteers.
  • Get AV organized at venue
  • Get CEU’s approved by PT association and OT board, provide certificates
  • Get treasurer to review the contracts for the hotel and compare prices
  • Assign secretary or web chair to send eblasts regularly
  • This is a partial list – these tasks are delegated throughout the conference committee with the Conference Chair supervising.

** All board members and chairs assist with the conference and volunteers are welcomed.

Social Media Liaison:

  1. Shall post educational seminars and conference information on all appropriate social media:  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
  2. Shall Post opportunities available from HTA-CA such as travel grants, research opportunities and Board or committee openings

 Bylaws Committee Chair:

  1. Shall maintain and edit bylaws and register them with the secretary of state if changes are needed, after the board reviews the changes.
  2. Shall serve as a reference person when a procedure is in question.

Terms of Office: ANY Board Position — 2 years.

            5.4.1    A term of office shall begin on January 1st and shall terminate on December 31st, or if no successor has been elected, until a successor is elected and installed.
            5.4.2    Officers may be re-elected to serve consecutive terms in the same office however, for not more than three (3) consecutive terms unless no other candidates come forth or are nominated.