New Developments in the Surgical Management of Major Limb Amputations and Neuromas

Saturday, October 14, 2023

9:00 am - 10:00 am

Pacific Time

Duration: 1 Hour
CEU credit: 1


  • Understand the incidence of post-amputation neuroma and phantom pain
  • Recognize available surgical techniques to improve myoelectric prosthetic control after major limb amputation
  • Recognize available surgical techniques for management and prevention of post-amputation and neuroma pain

Speaker: Dr. Igor Immerman

Dr. Igor Immerman, M.D., is an orthopedic surgeon with specialty training in hand and upper extremity surgery. Treating all conditions of the upper extremity, from the simple to the complex, Dr. Immerman’s philosophy of care is that each patient should be treated as a unique person and not by a cookie-cutter, protocol-only approach. He spends time getting to know each patient and works with the patient to tailor their individual treatment.

Throughout his career, Dr. Immerman has been active in research, and has over 20 peer-reviewed publications in medical journals. In addition to his full-time clinical practice, Dr. Immerman serves as a volunteer reviewer for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, participates in several committees in the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, and takes part in international medical missions with Health Volunteers Overseas.

Register for Webinar Here

Rules for 2023. In order to earn CEU credits:

  • You must be a paid up 2023 HTA-CA member
  • Attended the Event (logged into the Zoom webinar) for at least 85% of the run time
  • Complete the quiz with a score of 80% or higher

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**This webinar will be recorded. If you are not able to attend live, please register anyway and we will email you a link to the recording after the event. All members need to complete the post-session quiz in order the receive the CEU. Make sure that the correct contact information and credentials are entered in the registration and quiz. Thank you!**