Burns Management and Treatment – Andria Martinez

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Pacific Time

Presenter: Andria Martinez – MOTR/L, CHT

Topic: The presentation will educate learners on different types of skin grafts and how they are treated/managed with focus on the upper extremity from elbow distal. The presentation will cover the role of a burn therapist throughout the continuum of care with respect to the operative suite, dressing changes, wound management, specific burn issues for hand injuries as well as contracture management. The presentation will conclude with 1-2 case studies that will focus on the above named topics.

FREE for 2021 HTA-CA members
$30 for non-members

Registration for this course is now closed.

CEU – 2 Hours – Certificates will be emailed one week after completion.

Location: GoToMeeting
(Click here for system requirements for Attendees.)

Andria Martinez has been a practicing OT for 8 years. In her first few years as a therapist she practiced at an outpatient hand clinic where she treated musculoskeletal injuries of the upper extremity from neck to digit tips. In 2016, she began working at the Arizona Burn Center in Phoenix, AZ and continues to practice as a burn therapist. She earned her CHT in 2018 and is currently working on a burn portfolio for the Burn Therapist – Certified (BT-C) credential. She has submitted and presented posters in ASHT and American Burn Association meetings and currently sits on the Rehabilitation Committee for the ABA. Additionally she is currently co-writing a chapter for an international book on telehealth for burn rehabilitation.

This webinar is sponsored by:
lantz medical
Lantz Medical
Erin M. Parola
San Jose Territory Sales Consultant
Cell 408-495-9026
Fax 844-261-5627